Extended Warranties and Insurance for White Goods in Europe
NEW YORK, Sept. 20, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Extended Warranties and Insurance for White Goods in Europe
Extended Warranties and Insurance for White Goods in Europe is a report about the market for extended warranties and insurance sold in conjunction with white goods in 20 countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, and the UK. White goods are defined as major built-in and free-standing kitchen appliances including large cooking appliances, dishwashers, home laundry appliances and refrigeration appliances. Small appliances such as air treatment products, small cooking and non-cooking appliances, food preparation appliances, heating appliances, personal care appliances and vacuum cleaners are excluded. Related extended warranties and insurance usually cover mechanical / technical breakdown only although cover for accidental damage can be incorporated in certain cases. The report draws on extensive primary and secondary research covering over 800 organisations involved in the production and distribution of white goods including manufacturers, specialised retailers of consumer electronics, supermarkets and other types of retailer (namely, department stores, DIY outlets, speciality retailers and variety retailers). You may be able to use this report and the PartnerBASE™ dataset that accompanies it in one or more of the following ways: - appreciate the size of the opportunity in the market for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe: in aggregate, this is a substantial market; - understand how dynamic competitors are helping the sector to grow at a rate in excess of the underlying market for white goods in a number of countries; - assess the position of national and international competitors such as Actua, AmTrust International, assona, Assurant Solutions, BNP Paribas Assurance, Chartis, Domestic & General, Estendo, HomeServe / SFG, Moderna Försäkringar, Mondial Assistance, Solid Försäkringar, SPB, The Warranty Group, and Wertgarantie; - consider how the value of the market for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe may reasonably be expected to evolve up to 2014.
The total market was worth approximately EUR 1.06 billion in 2010 2
In relative terms, the UK, Italy and Ireland are Europe's most developed markets 3
Across all 20 countries, under 40% of manufacturers of white goods operate extended warranty programs . 4
In terms of their predicted value, Poland and Russia will be ranked sixth and eighth respectively by 2014 5
What is this report about? . 6
Rationale 6
Most published data focuses disproportionately on the underlying consumer product markets… 6
… ignoring the fact that manufacturers and retailers can make large profits from warranty schemes 6
Evolving distribution channels both favour and compromise extended warranty provision . 6
Methodology 7
Manufacturer and retailer survey . 7
The survey extends to over 800 manufacturers and retailers of white goods . 7
Market data 7
Definitions 7
Extended warranties and insurance 7
Extended warranties and insurance linked to consumer products come in a variety of formats… 7
… and are frequently marketed to consumers under alternative titles 8
Operating models 8
PartnerBASE™ . 10
Finaccord . 10
Introduction 13
Underlying market value and volume 14
Sales of white goods crept above EUR 40 billion in Europe in 2010 . 14
. although sales volumes actually shrunk slightly between 2006 and 2010 16
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 18
Manufacturer programs are most widespread in Ireland and the UK 18
External entities are visible as partners of manufacturers in six of the 20 countries investigated 19
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 22
As a Europe-wide average, slightly over 50% of retailers of white goods offer extended warranties. . 22
. and this figure approaches two thirds in the case of specialist retailers of consumer electronics 23
The operating models used by retailers show considerable differences by country . 25
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 28
Cover for accidental damage is a common feature of extended warranties in certain countries . 28
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 29
The total market was worth approximately EUR 1.06 billion in 2010 29
In relative terms, the UK, Italy and Ireland are Europe's most developed markets 30
Market forecasts to 2014 32
The white goods market is forecast to achieve significant growth up to 2014 as economies recover. 32
. with this rise higher in terms of value of sales than volume of sales 34
In terms of their predicted value, Poland and Russia will be ranked sixth and eighth respectively by 2014 36
3.0 AUSTRIA 38
Introduction 38
Underlying market value and volume 39
The volume of sales of white goods increased between 2006 and 2010 . 39
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 40
A majority of manufacturers investigated have extended warranty programs up and running 40
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 41
assona, in partnership with AXA, has secured the highest number of retailer partnerships in Austria 41
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 43
Most schemes provide cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only 43
Independent distribution channels 44
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 44
Market forecasts to 2014 45
The white goods market is forecast to have grown further by 2014. . 45
. which will also help the extended warranty market to increase in value . 46
4.0 BELGIUM . 47
Introduction 47
Underlying market value and volume 48
The market for white goods stalls briefly in the wake of the global economic crisis 48
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 49
Less than half of the manufacturers investigated have their own extended warranty scheme 49
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 50
The vast majority of retailer schemes are run on an internal basis… 50
… with CAP.Protection being the only external partner identified by the research . 50
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 52
The schemes identified by the research cover mechanical and technical breakdown only . 52
Independent distribution channels 53
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 53
Market forecasts to 2014 54
The white goods market is forecast to rise, in line with the broader economic recovery… 54
.and rising uptake will also help the extended warranty market to increase in value 55
Introduction 56
Underlying market value and volume 57
The volume of sales of white goods was almost a quarter less in 2010 than in 2006 57
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 58
Nearly 50% of manufacturers investigated have extended warranty programs up and running 58
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 59
Only a minority of Czech retailers have developed extended warranty programs 59
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 61
Most schemes provide cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only 61
Independent distribution channels 62
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 62
Market forecasts to 2014 63
The white goods market is forecast to have made a modest recovery by 2014. 63
. while the market for extended warranties can be expected to rise significantly 64
6.0 DENMARK . 65
Introduction 65
Underlying market value and volume 66
A fairly stable market shows a small increase over 2006 despite a drop in volume . 66
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 67
Manufacturers' warranties are the exception rather than the rule . 67
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 68
Less than half of Danish retailers offer their own extended warranties on white goods . 68
…with warranty specialist Securator helping to fill the gap left by Assurant 68
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 70
Schemes administered internally provide cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only . 70
Independent distribution channels 71
EDB Forsikring and Securator offer independent warranty options 71
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 71
Market forecasts to 2014 72
Growth in the value of the white goods market is expected to accelerate in the years leading up to 2014. 72
…which will help boost the market for extended warranties for white goods 73
7.0 FINLAND 74
Introduction 74
Underlying market value and volume 75
The Finnish market for white goods remained broadly stable between 2006 and 2010 75
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 76
Only one manufacturer of white goods in Finland maintains an extended warranty program . 76
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 77
Some retailers manage schemes themselves while others have outsourced to external partners . 77
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 79
Only two schemes are restricted to cover for mechanical breakdown only 79
Independent distribution channels 80
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 80
Market forecasts to 2014 81
Sales of white goods are forecast to accelerate in the years leading up to 2014. 81
…leading to a modest increase in the market for associated extended warranties 82
8.0 FRANCE . 83
Introduction 83
Underlying market value and volume 84
France's underlying market for white goods has been very static in recent years 84
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 85
Some manufacturer programs make use of an external insurer or broker . 85
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 87
Brokers SFG and SPB together account for nearly half of the schemes identified by the research… 87
…whereas several other insurers, including AXA, partner with leading retailers 87
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 89
Some retailers' extended warranty programs also include cover for accidental damage. 89
Independent distribution channels 90
Specialist online suppliers include GarantiePrivée.com and monSAV.com . 90
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 91
Market forecasts to 2014 92
Sales of the underlying white goods are forecast to pick up in the near future… . 92
.and uptake of extended warranties is also expected to rise marginally . 93
9.0 GERMANY . 94
Introduction 94
Underlying market value and volume 95
The volume of sales of white goods experienced steady growth between 2006 and 2010 . 95
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 96
Domestic & General and Wertgarantie both possess partnerships with manufacturers in Germany 96
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 98
Exactly a half of the major retailers surveyed have introduced an extended warranty scheme . 98
Having previously acted as a tied agent for AXA, assona now operates as a broker 98
Domestic & General laid claim to a portfolio of 1.8 million contracts in Germany by March 2011 . 98
ERGO Direkt started an affinity partnership with Amazon in April 2011 98
SPB Garant possesses co-operation agreements with around 10,000 retailer outlets in Germany 98
Wertgarantie grew its revenues by more than 10% during 2010. 100
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 101
Most schemes provide cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only 101
Independent distribution channels 102
AXA underwrites stand-alone extended warranties that are marketed through an independent website . 102
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 102
Market forecasts to 2014 . 103
The white goods market is expected to continue its modest growth trajectory up to 2014. 103
. which will also help the extended warranty market to increase in value . 104
10.0 IRELAND 105
Introduction 105
Underlying market value and volume 106
Ireland's white goods market has experienced a sharp contraction 106
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 107
Extended warranties are available from almost all major manufacturers of white goods . 107
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 109
Chartis and Domestic & General are the only external partners used for extended warranties . 109
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 111
Internal schemes provide cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only 111
Independent distribution channels 112
Distribution is limited to manufacturers, retailers and some buying groups 112
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 112
Market forecasts to 2014 . 113
Sales of white goods are forecast to make a gradual recovery in the years leading up to 2014. 113
…leading to a moderate increase in the value of the market for extended warranties for white goods . 114
11.0 ITALY 115
Introduction 115
Underlying market value and volume 116
The volume of sales of white goods registered very slight growth between 2006 and 2010 . 116
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 117
A majority of manufacturers investigated have extended warranty programs up and running 117
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 119
Estendo is Italy's most prolific partner of retailers for extended warranties linked to white goods. 119
. in spite of having been founded as recently as 2004 . 119
Among other competitors are Anovo, Assurant Solutions and Business Company . 119
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 121
Most schemes provide cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only 121
Independent distribution channels 122
Estendo also markets extended warranty cover to consumers directly through its website 122
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 122
Market forecasts to 2014 . 123
Growth in the white goods market is forecast to accelerate up to 2014. . 123
. helping the market for associated extended warranties to also experience expansion 124
Introduction 125
Underlying market value and volume 126
The market for white goods continues to develop, although growth rates are slow . 126
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 127
Relatively few manufacturers have extended warranty programs in place . 127
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 128
The broker Actua Verzekeren partners with a large number of retailers . 128
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 130
The majority of schemes cover mechanical and technical breakdown only . 130
Independent distribution channels 131
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 131
Market forecasts to 2014 . 132
Increased sales and rising prices will combine to keep the underlying market growing steadily… 132
.and the proportion of consumers acquiring extended warranties is also expected to rise 133
13.0 NORWAY . 134
Introduction 134
Underlying market value and volume 135
The volume of sales of white goods has dipped slightly although the market value has increased 135
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 136
Among manufacturers, only Samsung has introduced an extended warranty scheme in Norway 136
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 137
AmTrust, Moderna Försäkringar and Solid Försäkringar are all active as partners to retailers . 137
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 139
Cover for accidental damage is an option in two cases only . 139
Independent distribution channels 140
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 140
Market forecasts to 2014 . 141
Norway's white goods market is forecast to make further progress in the years leading up to 2014. . 141
. although strong consumer protection laws limit scope for growth in the extended warranty market . 142
14.0 POLAND 143
Introduction 143
Underlying market value and volume 144
Both the value and volume of sales of white goods moved up between 2006 and 2010 . 144
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 145
Eight major manufacturers investigated have extended warranty programs up and running 145
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 146
ERGO Hestia has secured the highest number of retailer partnerships in Poland . 146
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 148
A relatively high proportion of schemes in Poland also offer protection against accidental damage . 148
Independent distribution channels 149
Extended warranties are also available through ?agiel, a consumer finance company . 149
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 149
Market forecasts to 2014 . 150
The white goods market is forecast to have grown further by 2014. . 150
. while the market for extended warranties is likely to expand even more quickly 151
15.0 PORTUGAL . 152
Introduction 152
Underlying market value and volume 153
The volume of sales of white goods was almost a quarter less in 2010 than in 2006 153
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 154
A majority of manufacturers investigated have extended warranty programs up and running 154
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 155
Domestic & General has secured most retailer partnerships in Portugal 155
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 157
Most schemes provide cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only 157
Independent distribution channels 158
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 158
Market forecasts to 2014 . 159
The white goods market is forecast to have made a modest recovery by 2014. 159
. which will also help the extended warranty market to increase in value . 160
16.0 ROMANIA 161
Introduction 161
Underlying market value and volume 162
Growth in sales of white goods is rendered modest by economic troubles 162
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 163
Few manufacturers have launched extended warranty programs 163
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 164
BNP Paribas Assurance takes its first steps Romania's extended warranty market 164
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 166
Most schemes reportedly provide cover for accidental damage in addition to mechanical breakdown 166
Independent distribution channels 167
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 167
Market forecasts to 2014 . 168
The white goods market is forecast to experience steady growth up to 2014 168
Cross-selling rates for extended warranties for white goods may reasonably be predicted to increase 169
17.0 RUSSIA 170
Introduction 170
Underlying market value and volume 171
The number of white goods sold in Russia continues to rise . 171
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 172
Very few white goods manufacturers have their own extended warranty scheme . 172
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 173
Retailing giant El Dorado makes use of its own captive provider 173
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 175
Just one scheme covered by the research includes protection for accidental damage . 175
Independent distribution channels 176
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 176
Market forecasts to 2014 . 177
Russia's expanding middle classes will help to support strong growth in underlying product sales… 177
.with the related market for extended warranties being forecast to grow considerably 178
18.0 SPAIN . 179
Introduction 179
Underlying market value and volume 180
The volume of sales of white goods fell by almost one quarter between 2006 and 2010 180
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 181
AEG Electrolux works with an external extended warranty provider in Spain. 181
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 183
At least four external providers of extended warranties for white goods are active in the Spanish market . 183
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 185
Schemes tend to be restricted to cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only 185
Independent distribution channels 186
Garante, a broker, offers stand-alone coverage for all types of consumer electronics . 186
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 186
Market forecasts to 2014 . 187
The white goods market is forecast to have staged something of a recovery by 2014. . 187
. which will simultaneously see the extended warranty market increase in value . 188
19.0 SWEDEN 189
Introduction 189
Underlying market value and volume 190
The volume of sales of white goods fell slightly although the value remained steady overall 190
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 191
Only one manufacturer offers an extended warranty . 191
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 192
A preference for local partners is evident in retailer's programs 192
Moderna Försäkringar leads a select group of Scandinavian insurers . 192
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 194
Schemes administered internally provide cover for mechanical breakdown only . 194
Independent distribution channels 195
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 195
Market forecasts to 2014 . 196
The white goods market is expected to continue its growth between 2010 and 2014. 196
. which will also help the extended warranty market to a modest increase in value . 197
20.0 SWITZERLAND . 198
Introduction 198
Underlying market value and volume 199
The volume of sales of white goods rose gently between 2006 and 2010 . 199
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 200
A majority of manufacturers investigated have extended warranty programs up and running 200
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 201
Five retailers organise extended warranties for white goods on a purely internal basis . 201
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 203
Most schemes provide cover for mechanical or technical breakdown only 203
Independent distribution channels 204
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 204
Market forecasts to 2014 . 205
The white goods market is likely to continue a slow upwards trajectory in the years leading up to 2014 205
. which will also help the extended warranty market to increase in value . 206
21.0 TURKEY . 207
Introduction 207
Underlying market value and volume 208
Growth in sales of white goods is rendered modest by a weaker economy in 2009 and 2010 . 208
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 209
A half of manufacturers investigated offer extended warranty programs 209
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 210
Through its partnership with Darty, NEW is establishing itself in the Turkish market . 210
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 212
Only one scheme includes cover for accidental damage in addition to mechanical breakdown . 212
Independent distribution channels 213
Market value for extended warranties and insurance 213
Market forecasts to 2014 . 214
Fairly strong growth is predicted for the white goods market up to 2014. . 214
. which, allied to higher take-up rates, means that the extended warranty market will also expand 215
Introduction 216
Underlying market value and volume 217
The volume of sales of white goods declined by almost 12% between 2006 and 2010 217
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 218
Domestic & General accounts for the lion's share of manufacturer partnerships in the UK . 218
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 220
Lively competition exists for retailer distribution deals in the UK's extended warranty market . 220
In terms of its number of partnerships, The Warranty Group is the main rival to Domestic & General 220
Dixons Retail Group generates a significant stream of revenue from extended warranties . 220
Although its international revenues have grown strongly, the UK remains central for Domestic & General . 220
HomeServe is continuing its mission to expand its warranty market share in the UK… 222
…and Warranty Direct is growing profitably, although only partially from consumer electronics . 222
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance . 223
Most programs include cover for accidental damage as well as mechanical breakdown 223
Independent distribution channels 224
A number of providers in the UK offer extended warranties directly to consumers. . 224
… albeit the OFT continues investigations into the competitive structure of the market forecasts to 2014 . 226
The white goods market is forecast to have made a modest recovery by 2014. 226
. which will also help the extended warranty market to increase in value . 227
© FINACCORD (07/2011) IX
Together, the UK, Germany, France and Italy combined accounted for over three quarters of the total European market in 2010 . 2
On average, sales of extended warranties were worth 2.63% of the value of the underlying market for white goods in 2010 3
Almost two thirds of specialist retailers of consumer electronic products in Europe have their own schemes for extended warranties for white goods but manufacturers are more apathetic . 4
Finaccord predicts that the market for extended warranties linked to white goods will grow at an annual average of 4.9% up to 2014 5
Organisations researched segmented by country and by type . 9
Value of sales of white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2006 and 2010 . 14
Value of sales of white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2006 and 2010 (data) . 15
Volume of sales of white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2006 and 2010 16
Volume of sales of white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2006 and 2010 (data) . 17
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe: provision rates segmented by country, 2011 18
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe: operating models segmented by country, 2011 20
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe: operating models segmented by country, 2011 (data) . 21
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe: provision rates segmented by country, 2011 . 22
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe: provision rates segmented by type of retailer, 2011 24
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe: operating models segmented by country, 2011 26
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe: operating models segmented by country, 2011 (data) . 27
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2011 . 28
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2010 . 29
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe plotted against this value as a percentage of the value of the underlying market for white goods, segmented by country, 2010 . 30
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe and this value as a percentage of the value of the underlying market for white goods, segmented by country, 2010 (data) 31
Value of sales of white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) . 32
Value of sales of white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) (data) 33
Volume of sales of white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) . 34
Volume of sales of white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) (data) . 35
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) 36
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Europe segmented by country, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) (data) . 37
3.0 AUSTRIA 38
Value and volume of sales of white goods in Austria, 2006 and 2010 39
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Austria: provision rates and operating models, 2011 . 40
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Austria: provision rates, operating models and provider share of non-captive partnerships, 2011 . 42
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Austria, 2011 . 43
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Austria, 2010 44
Value and volume of sales of white goods in Austria, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) . 45
Forecast market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Austria, 2014 46
4.0 BELGIUM . 47
Value and volume of sales of white goods in Belgium, 2006 and 2010 48
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Belgium: provision rates and operating models, 2011 . 49
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Belgium: provision rates, operating models and provider share of non-captive partnerships, 2011 . 51
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Belgium, 2011 . 52
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Belgium, 2010 53
Value and volume of sales of white goods in Belgium, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) . 54
Forecast market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Belgium, 2014 55
Value and volume of sales of white goods in the Czech Republic, 2006 and 2010 . 57
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in the Czech Republic: provision rates and operating models, 2011 58
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in the Czech Republic: provision rates, operating models and provider share of non-captive partnerships, 2011 60
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in the Czech Republic, 2011 61
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in the Czech Republic, 2010 62
Value and volume of sales of white goods in the Czech Republic, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) 63
Forecast market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in the Czech Republic, 2014 . 64
6.0 DENMARK . 65
Value and volume of sales of white goods in Denmark, 2006 and 2010 66
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Denmark: provision rates and operating models, 2011 . 67
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Denmark: provision rates, operating models and provider share of non-captive partnerships, 2011 69
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Denmark, 2011 . 70
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Denmark, 2010 71
Value and volume of sales of white goods in Denmark, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) . 72
Forecast market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Denmark, 2014 73
7.0 FINLAND 74
Value and volume of sales of white goods in Finland, 2006 and 2010 . 75
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Finland: provision rates and operating models, 2011 . 76
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Finland: provision rates, operating models and provider share of non-captive partnerships, 2011 . 78
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Finland, 2011 . 79
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Finland, 2010 80
Value and volume of sales of white goods in Finland, 2010 and 2014 (forecast) 81
Forecast market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in Finland, 2014 . 82
8.0 FRANCE . 83
Value and volume of sales of white goods in France, 2006 and 2010 . 84
Manufacturer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in France: provision rates, operating models and provider share of non-captive partnerships, 2011 86
Retailer schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in France: provision rates, operating models and provider share of non-captive partnerships, 2011 . 88
Risk coverage of all schemes for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in France, 2011 . 89
Approximate market value for extended warranties and insurance linked to white goods in France, 2010 91
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