Combined Heat and Power for Commercial Buildings
NEW YORK, Aug. 16, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
Combined Heat and Power for Commercial Buildings
Fuel Cell, Engine, and Turbine Technologies for Cogeneration in Commercial, Institutional, and Municipal Buildings: Global Market Analysis and Forecasts
Commercial combined heat and power (comCHP) systems, which are small to medium distributed energy generation systems that produce electricity while also capturing heat that would otherwise be treated as waste, are garnering increased interest from policy makers, utilities, and building owners in a growing number of countries. Distributed generation installations have the advantages of going online more quickly than traditional large centralized power stations, reducing demand pressure on the electrical grid, and reducing inefficiencies that are common in centralized power generation, transmission, and distribution. Installations that use CHP technologies have the additional benefit of producing thermal energy that can be used as heat, converted to electricity, or converted to cooling when coupled with an adsorption chiller.The technologies behind many comCHP products have been under development for more than a decade. Today, the market is beginning to gain momentum and an increasing number of companies are introducing increasingly standardized commercial products. Driven by concerns about grid reliability, meeting growing demand for electricity, increasing grid efficiency, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions, governments around the world are also focused on increasing subsidies and other incentives for the adoption of comCHP systems and related building efficiency technologies.This Pike Research report analyzes the global market potential for comCHP systems for a range of building applications – hospitals, universities, hotels, casinos, airports, etc. – using technologies including internal combustion engines, fuel cells, Stirling engines, and Organic Rankine Cycle. The study includes in-depth assessments of leading countries for the manufacture and adoption of comCHP systems, the technologies utilized in such systems, and the key industry players engaged in this market. Worldwide market forecasts, segmented by region, are provided through 2022 for system shipments, installed capacity, average installation capacity size, and revenue.
Key Questions Addressed:
-What is the size of the global market opportunity for commercial CHP systems?-Which countries offer the most attractive opportunities for comCHP?-What is the addressable market, in terms of commercial and institutional building stock, in key countries – and how will this grow?-How will technology improvements, modularization, and standardization influence average installation size across key regions over the next decade?-What business models are driving comCHP adoption across small commercial, large commercial, institutional, and municipal applications?-What are the key drivers for comCHP adoption at the building owner, utility, and government levels?
Who needs this report?
-CHP technology vendors and integrators-Fuel cell companies-Natural gas companies-Renewable biogas producers-Utilities-Building owners and managers-Corporate and institutional energy managers-Energy service companies-Government agencies-Investor community
Table of Contents1.1 Overview
1.2 Market Forecast
2. Market Issues2.1 Introduction to CHP2.1.1 CHP as a DG Technology2.1.2 Why CHP?2.2 Defining the comCHP Market2.2.1 comCHP Benefits2.2.2 comCHP Application Groups2.3 comCHP Market Drivers2.3.1 Energy Security2.3.1.1 Security against Blackouts2.3.1.2 Security against Price Volatility2.3.2 Energy Supply Diversification2.3.3 Volatility in the Spark Spread2.3.3.1 Specific Cost Considerations2.3.3.2 Natural Gas Prices2.3.4 Mitigating Building or Facility Operating Costs2.3.4.1 Avoided Costs2.3.4.2 Staff Reduction via Outsourcing2.3.4.3 Added Tenant Service/Rent2.3.5 Emissions and Emissions Savings2.3.6 Tariff Issues2.3.7 Policies and Incentives2.3.7.1 Financial Incentives2. Feed-in Tariffs2. Renewable Energy Credits2.3.7.2 Regulations for Utilities2. Renewable Portfolio Standards2. Energy Efficiency Directives2.3.7.3 Emissions Regulations2.3.7.4 Research and Development Subsidies2.3.7.5 Adoption Subsidies2.3.8 Thermal versus Electrical Output in comCHP2.3.9 Commercialization Programs2.4 Market Barriers2.4.1 Utilities2.4.2 CHP Costs2.4.2.1 Installed Cost2.4.2.2 CAPEX2.4.2.3 Operation and Maintenance Cost2.4.2.4 Total Cost of Ownership2.4.3 Regulations2.4.3.1 Permitting and Air Quality2.4.3.2 Environmental Regulations2.4.3.3 Municipal Regulations2.4.4 Access to Fuel Sources2.4.5 Market Immaturity2.4.5.1 Public Awareness and Acceptance2.4.5.2 Product Availability2.4.5.3 Durability and Maintenance2.4.5.4 Support and Repair Infrastructure
3. Country Profiles
3.1 Introduction
3.2 United States
3.2.1 Overview
3.2.2 Policy Outlook
3.2.3 Overview of Commercial Building Stock
3.3 Germany
3.3.1 Overview
3.3.2 Policy Outlook
3.3.3 Overview of Commercial Building Stock
3.4 United Kingdom
3.5 Denmark
3.6 Russia
3.7 China
3.7.1 Overview
3.7.2 Policy Outlook
3.7.3 Overview of Commercial Building Stock
3.8 Japan
3.8.1 South Korea
4. Technology Issues4.1 CHP Technical Overview4.1.1 CHP Efficiency4.1.1.1 Total CHP Efficiency4.1.1.2 Effective Electrical Efficiency4.1.1.3 Power-to-Heat Ratio4.1.2 CHP Integration4.1.2.1 Building Integration4.1.2.2 Grid Interconnection4.2 CHP Components4.2.1 Prime mover4.2.2 Heat Recovery Device4.2.3 Utility Interface4.2.4 Controls4.2.5 Optional Components4.3 Mechanical Systems4.3.1 Internal Combustion Engines4.3.2 Steam and Gas Turbines4.3.2.1 Combined Cycle Gas Turbines4.3.2.2 Microturbines4.3.3 Emerging Mechanical Technologies4.3.3.1 Reciprocating and Stirling Engines4.3.3.2 Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC)4.4 Fuel Cells4.4.1 Differences among Fuel Cells4.4.2 Cost of Fuel Cell Systems4.4.3 Fuel Cells for comCHP4.5 Feedstocks4.5.1 Natural Gas4.5.2 Opportunity Fuels4.6 Efficiencies and Emissions Profiles4.7 Complementary Technologies4.7.1 Chillers4.7.2 Thermoelectric Generators4.8 comCHP Innovation4.8.1 Solar Cogeneration4.8.2 Smart Energy Building Systems
5. Key Industry Players
5.1 2G-CENERGY Power Systems Technologies, Inc.
5.2 Ameresco, Inc.
5.3 Capstone Turbine Corporation
5.4 Caterpillar, Inc.
5.5 Cogenra Solar
5.6 Cummins Power Generation
5.7 Dresser-Rand
5.8 ESS
5.9 FlexEnergy, Inc.
5.10 FuelCell Energy
5.11 Fuji Electric
5.12 GE Energy
5.13 Honeywell International
5.14 IntelliGen Power
5.15 Leva Energy
5.16 MTU Onsite Energy
5.17 MWM, GmbH
5.18 Tecogen, Inc.
5.19 UTC Power
5.20 Wärtsilä
6. Market Forecasts6.1 Methodology6.2 Key Flex Points6.3 Global Building Stock6.4 Regional Markets6.4.1 North America6.4.2 Europe6.4.3 Asia Pacific6.5 Market Forecasts by Region6.5.1 Installed Capacity6.5.2 System Installments6.5.3 Average Installation Size6.6 Market Forecasts by Application Group6.6.1 Installed Capacity6.6.2 Growth Rates6.7 Market Value Forecasts6.7.1 By Region6.7.2 By Application Group
7. Company Directory
8. Acronym and Abbreviation List
9. Table of Content
10. Table of Charts and Figures
11. Scope of Study, Sources and Methodology, Notes
List of Charts and FiguresTotal Primary Energy Demand, World Markets: 1990-2030
Spot Price of Natural Gas by Market, World Markets: 2001-2010
CO2 Emissions with Electricity and Heat Allocated, Consumer Sector: 2008
Share of Installed comCHP Capacity by Application Group, United States: 2011
Commercial Building Stock by Type, United States: 2012-2022
Commercial Building Stock by Type, Germany: 2012-2022
Commercial Building Stock by Type, China: 2012-2022
Raw Biogas Annual Production Capacity by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
Commercial Building Stock by Type, World Markets: 2012-2022
Commercial Building Stock by Type, Asia Pacific: 2012-2022
comCHP System Installments by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
Average comCHP Installation Size by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
Installed comCHP Capacity by Application Group, World Markets: 2012-2022
Installed comCHP Capacity Compound Annual Growth Rates by Region and Application Group, World Markets: 2012-2022
comCHP Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
comCHP Revenue by Application Group, World Markets: 2012-2022
List of TablescomCHP Application Groups
comCHP Applications by Size
Estimated Losses Per Hour of Grid Failure
State RPS Targets that Include CHP or Waste Heat as Eligible Resource
Total Primary Energy Demand, World Markets: 1990-2030
Spot Price of Natural Gas by Market, World Markets: 2001-2010
CO2 Emissions with Electricity and Heat Allocated, Consumer Sector: 2008
Banding System for CHP and Non-CHP Equivalents
Share of Installed comCHP Capacity by Application Group, United States: 2011
Commercial Building Stock by Type, United States: 2012-2022
Commercial Building Stock by Type, Germany: 2012-2022
Commercial Building Stock by Type, China: 2012-2022
Summary of CHP Technologies
Prime Mover Technology Characteristics
Summary of Fuel Cell Types and Operating Characteristics
Summary of Efficiencies and Emissions Profiles by Technology
Raw Biogas Annual Production Capacity by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
Commercial Building Stock by Type, World Markets: 2012-2022
Commercial Building Stock by Type, Asia Pacific: 2012-2022
comCHP Installed Capacity by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
comCHP System Installments by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
Average comCHP Installation Size by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
Installed comCHP Capacity by Application Group, World Markets: 2012-2022
Installed comCHP Capacity Compound Annual Growth Rates by Region and Application Group, World Markets: 2012-2022
comCHP Revenue by Region, World Markets: 2012-2022
comCHP Revenue by Application Group, World Markets: 2012-2022
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Industry Analysis and InsightsNicolas Bombourg
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