Acquisition Solutions Inc. Donates More than $7,000 to District Alliance for Safe Housing (DASH)
Company Supports Local Charity with Annual Vegas Night
ARLINGTON, Va., July 1 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Acquisition Solutions, Inc. (ASI) recently held its annual Vegas Night for Charity, where employees raised more than $7,000 in personal donations and corporate matching funds. Hundreds of household goods were also collected for victims of domestic violence. All donations benefited the District Alliance for Safe Housing (DASH), a local emergency shelter that serves vulnerable populations in Washington, D.C.
"One of the special things you'll find at ASI is the propensity to give back. Our company donates a portion of its profit to charities and non-profits raising funds each year," said Anne Reed, president and CEO of ASI. "We actively encourage volunteerism. We ask employees to devote one work day a year to community service as a team project counted toward employees' annual performance goals. But our employees have such wonderful spirits and generous hearts, they surpass that corporate goal each and every year," Anne added.
"Charity events at ASI are a labor of love for employees. Everyone is so pleased that the local DASH shelter received more than $7000 in gifts from this one event," said Julie Logan, co-chair of the company's employee-led community relations committee.
Earlier this year, ASI responded to the earthquake in Haiti with a corporate donation of $10,000 given to the American Red Cross and Doctors Without Borders.
About Acquisition Solutions
For more than a decade, Acquisition Solutions Inc. (ASI) has served the federal government with acquisition services designed to improve performance in government purchasing. Its award-winning Virtual Acquisition Office™ is used daily by 7000 federal acquisition professionals as a center for knowledge, resources and tools. Today, ASI also specializes in federal IT portfolio management and program management as well as acquisition. The firm delivers consulting, research services, management tools, and training. ASI consultants are trained to address tough program and acquisition challenges - and have a history of delivering results. Visit ASI online at:
SOURCE Acquisition Solutions, Inc.

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