2013 Japanese Hospital Microbiology Testing Market
NEW YORK, Jan. 17, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Reportlinker.com announces that a new market research report is available in its catalogue:
2013 Japanese Hospital Microbiology Testing Market
This new report from Venture Planning Group contains 891 pages, 75 tables, and presents a comprehensive analysis of the Japanese hospital microbiology testing market, including:
· Major issues pertaining to the Japanese hospital laboratory practice, as well as key economic, regulatory, demographic, social and technological trends with significant market impact during the next ten years.
· Current scientific views on definition, epidemiology, and etiology of major infectious diseases and microorganisms.
· Volume and sales forecasts for 80 microbiology tests performed in Japanese hospital laboratories.
· Instrumentation technologies and feature comparison of leading analyzers.
· Sales and market shares of leading suppliers.
· Emerging diagnostic technologies and their potential market applications.
· Product development opportunities.
· Profiles of current and emerging suppliers, including their sales, market shares, product portfolios, marketing tactics, technological know-how, new products in R&D, collaborative arrangements and business strategies.
· Business opportunities and strategic recommendations for suppliers.
Contains 891 pages and 75 tables
Table of Contents
Worldwide Market and Technology Overview
A. Major Infectious Disease Tests
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
2. Adenovirus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
d. Adeno-Associated Viruses(AAV)
3. Aeromonas
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
4. Anthrax/Bacillus Anthracis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
5. Arboviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
6. Babesiosis
a. Background
7. Bacillary Epithelioid Angiomatosis (BEA)
And Other Bartonella (Rochalimaea)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
8. Blastocystis Hominis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
9. Brucella
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
10. Campylobacter
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
11. Candida
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
12. Chagas Disease
a. Background
13. Chancroid
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
14. Chlamydia
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
15. Clostridium Difficile
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Drugs and Vaccines
16. Coronaviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
17. Coxsackieviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
18. Creutzfeldt-Jakob's Disease
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines
19. Cryptosporidium Parvum
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
20. Cyclospora Cayetanensis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
21. Cytomegalovirus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
22. Ebola Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
23. E. Coli
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
24. EchoVirus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
25. Encephalitis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
26. Enteroviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
27. Epstein-Barr Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
28. Giardia Lamblia
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
29. Gonorrhea
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
30. Granuloma Inguinale
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
31. Hantavirus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
32. Helicobacter Pylori
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
33. Hepatitis
a. Background
b. Hepatitis A
c. Hepatitis B
d. Hepatitis C
e. Vaccines and Drugs
34. Herpes Simplex Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
35. Human Herpes Virus-6 (HHV-6)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
36. Influenza Viruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
37. Legionella
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
38. Lyme Disease
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
39. Lymphogranuloma Venereum (LGV)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
40. Malaria
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
41. Measles (Rubeola)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
42. Meningitis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
43. Microsporidium
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
44. Mononucleosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
45. Mumps
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
46. Mycoplasma
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
47. Papillomaviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
48. Parvovirus B19
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
49. Pneumonia
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
50. Polyomaviruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
51. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
52. Rabies
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
53. Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
54. RhinoViruses
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
55. RotaVirus (REOVIRUS)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
56. Rubella(MEASLES)
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
57. Salmonellosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
58. Septicemia
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
59. Shigellosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
60. Staphylococcus Aureus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
61. Streptococci
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
62. Syphilis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
63. Toxoplasmosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
64. Trichomonas Vaginalis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
65. Tuberculosis
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
66. Vibrio
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
67. West Nile Virus
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
68. Yersina
a. Background
b. Diagnostic Tests
c. Vaccines and Drugs
B. Instrumentation Review of Leading Analyzers Marketed
by Abbott, Beckman Coulter/Danaher, BioMerieux,
Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, Roche, Siemens, Tosoh,
Wallac and Other Suppliers
C. Emerging Diagnostic Technologies
1. Molecular Diagnostics
2. Monoclonal Antibodies
3. Immunoassays
4. Differential Light Scattering
5. Information Technology
6. Artificial Intelligence
7. Liposomes
8. Flow Cytometry
9. Chromatography
10. Diagnostic Imaging
11. Gel Microdroplets
12. Other
A. Executive Summary
B. Business Environment
C. Market Structure
D. Market Size, Growth and Major Suppliers
Major Product Development Opportunities
A. Instrumentation
B. Reagent Kits and Test Systems/Panels
C. Computers, Software and Automation
D. Auxiliary Products
Design Criteria for Decentralized Testing Products
Alternative Market Penetration Strategies
A. Internal Development
B. Collaborative Arrangements
C. University Contracts
D. Distribution Strategies for Decentralized
Testing Markets
1. Marketing Approaches
2. Product Complexity
3. Customer Preference
4. Established Suppliers
5. Emerging Suppliers
6. Major Types of Distributors
7. Market Segmentation
Potential Market Entry Barriers and Risks
A. Market Maturity
B. Cost Containment
C. Competition
D. Technological Edge and Limitations
E. Patent Protection
F. Regulatory Constraints
G. Decentralized Testing Market Challenges
Competitive Assessments
- Abbott
- Affymetrix
- Beckman Coulter/Danaher
- Becton Dickinson
- bioMerieux
- Bio-Rad
- Cepheid
- Diamedix
- DiaSorin
- Eiken Chemical
- Enzo Biochem
- Fujirebio
- Gen-Probe
- Hologic
- ID Biomedical
- Innogenetics/Solvay
- Kreatech
- Life Technology
- Lonza
- Nanogen/Elitech
- Novartis Diagnostics
- Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics
- Qiagen
- Roche
- Scienion
- Sequenom
- SeraCare
- Siemens
- Takara Bio
- Thermo Fisher
- Wallac
- Wako
List of Tables
Major Companies Developing or Marketing AIDS Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Adenovirus
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Bartonella
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Campylobacter Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Candida
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Chlamydia
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Clostridium
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Coronavirus
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Cryptosporidium
Major Companies Developing or Marketing CMV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Echovirus
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Enterovirus
Major Companies Developing or Marketing EBV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Giardia
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Gonorrhea
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hantavirus
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Helicobacter
Pylori Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Hepatitis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Herpes
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Influenza
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Legionella
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lyme Disease
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Lymphogranuloma
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Malaria
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Measles
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Meningitis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Microsporidium
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Mononucleosis Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mumps Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Mycoplasma
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Papilloma
Virus Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Parvovirus
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Pneumonia
Major Companies Developing or Marketing RSV Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Rotavirus
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Rubella
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Salmonella
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Septicemia
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Shigella
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Staphylococci
Major Companies Developing or Marketing
Streptococci Tests
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Syphilis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Toxoplasmosis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Trichomonas
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Tuberculosis
Major Companies Developing or Marketing West Nile
Major Companies Developing or Marketing Yersinia Tests
Japan Summary Table
All Infectious Diseases Test Volume and Diagnostics
Sales Forecast by Market Segment
Hospital Laboratories Performing Infectious Disease
Tests by Bed Size
Hospital Laboratories Infectious Disease Test
Volume Forecast
Hospital Laboratories Infectious Disease Diagnostics
Market Forecast
AIDS Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Campylobacter Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Candida Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Chlamydia Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
CMV Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Gonorrhea Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Hepatitis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Hepatitis C Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Herpes Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Legionella Testing Market Diagnostics Sales Forecast
by Major Supplier
Meningitis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Mononucleosis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Mycoplasma Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Pneumonia Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
RSV Testing Market Diagnostics Sales by Major Supplier
Rotavirus Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Rubella Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Septicemia Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Shigella Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Streptococci Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Syphilis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Toxoplasmosis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Trichomonas Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
Tuberculosis Testing Market Diagnostics Sales
by Major Supplier
To order this report:
In_Vitro_Diagnostic Industry: 2013 Japanese Hospital Microbiology Testing Market
Nicolas Bombourg
Email: [email protected]
US: (805)652-2626
Intl: +1 805-652-2626
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